
Title IV Loan School Code of Conduct

a. We ban revenue-sharing with any lender
b. We ban receiving gifts from any lender
c. We prohibit contracting arrangements with any lender
d. We prohibit assigning of a lender to a first-time borrower
e. We prohibit refusal to certify or delay of certification based upon choice of lender
f. We prohibit offers of funds for private loans
g. We ban staffing assistance
h. We prohibit the receipt of compensation for advisory board service

*This code of conduct is in regards to the school Title IV FFELP loans. As of July 1st, 2008 most Title IV loans have been awarded through the Direct Loan Program of the US Dept of Education. The school does not currently offer FFELP Title IV loans through any lender. Therefore, we do not have a preferred lender arrangement or preferred lender list. Students can borrow or choose any lender for financial aid assistance.

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